Sunday, December 30, 2018

Bowl games and conspiracies. (NCAA)

After watching most of the college bowl games thus far, including yesterday's Cotton Bowl, the results should be obvious to any college football fan that the NCAA is the dirtiest, most corrupt sports league on the planet right now. It's gotten even worse than international soccer!

The playoff. What the hell was the point of introducing a playoff, when the NCAA consistently rigs everything so that we get the SAME two teams competing for the BCS Championship year in and year out? It's almost sickening to see the game garbage over and over again. Money and greed have pushed competition and sportsmanship out the door in the NCAA, and that is beyond sad.

Biased officiating. Don't believe it's rigged? One only has to go so far as the Cotton Bowl to see a prime example. The referees were heavily (and I mean heavily!) biased towards Clemson, screwing Notre Dame on fumble calls, pass interference, and other plays. It was almost like the NCAA told the refs beforehand, "Yeah, we put them in for credibility, but seeing as how they might win and screw up our script, you guys better shaft them, hard."

Alabama. Oh, so you think they won and keep on winning because they are a better team? With a football program worth $1-billion, and the fact that FOX Sports paid $2.2-billion to the SEC to keep that conference on top, this has nothing to do with competitiveness. This is greed, politics, and money, plain and simple.

And just so we're clear: NCAA football is SCRIPTED. Period.

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