Sunday, December 30, 2018

Some headlines, and my two cents. (NFL)

It's the final week of regular season action in the NFL, with some interesting (yet confusing) headlines already popping up here and there. The following are what I've found so far, and I'll tell you what I think of them, and what it all means.

Marrone returns. This one is a stupid move from a football team that thrives on stupidity. Jacksonville will have coach Marrone back at the helm next season, and it makes little to no sense. He's had one good season (last year), and had accomplished little else. The Jags are a mess time and again, with no light at the end of the tunnel. Every aspect of this team is a mess. Bringing Marrone back just adds to the train wreck that is Jacksonville.

Winston is the QB. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have decided that Jameis Winston (everyone's favourite turnover machine) should be, and will be the starting QB come next season. Really? The kid was never that good at FSU, has transitioned poorly into the NFL, and has never met an interception he didn't like throwing. Fitzpatrick is not much better, but for the sake of not being a laughing stock, how does Tampa Bay justify this? Not a good move at all.

A Giant problem. It is rumoured that the Giants will have QB Eli Manning come back to lead the offence in New York next year. Personally, I think this is a bad idea. He's had his best years, he's won his two Lombardi trophies, and it's clear that he's not the QB he used to be. Eli Manning was a mess again this year, looking out of touch and living in a different world than the rest of us. The Giants have a decent team that needs a better O-line, and a new, young QB. If the Giants were smart, they'd start coming up with some strategy for the 2019 NFL draft.

Tha Raiderz. No one seems to know where the Raiders will be playing next year, not even them. Hell, if anyone finds out, raise your hand!

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